- "a recently released product called ScreenFlow just flat out rocks. For how simple it is to make great screen casts, it’s pretty mind blowing really." - I, Blog
- "screencasts made on Macs just got exponentially better"- tauw.com
- "I’m calling it The iTunes of Screencasting" - Fraser Speirs
- "Users who need to create video tutorials will find a program like ScreenFlow indispensable" - macnn
- "comes as a huge sigh of relief and wave of elation for Mac screencasters everywhere" - WebTVWire
You can record multiple tracks, mouse callouts, and video effects using a linear editor that looks as simple as iMovie! The only drawbacks? Some may be put off by the $99 price tag and it's (gulp) only available for Mac OS X Leopard. (The OS upgrade is only $116 at the Apple Education Store....)